Tag Archives: game developers


For a long time now, video games have been taken as the ultimate source of entertainment by many. Its history started way back in the 1950s and until now, this industry has come a long way and is now one of the most profitable entertainment industries in the world. Over the times, games have evolved and so have the game production techniques and gaming devices. However, the modern technologies and innovative softwares have had a lashing impact on the development of the gaming industry and has contributed to bring it to the forefront. The games becoming more available and hand-held were few of many other reasons that have led to increase the gamer’s appetite for video games.

Introduction of Twitch – the world’s leading live streaming platform for gamers, launch of Nintendo Switch – the switch console in 2017 for hand-held gaming, gaming subscriptions becoming available, step-up in production of story-based games, rise in mobile gaming, introduction of game awards and their increased viewership, these were just a few landmarking happenings that occurred in the gaming world in the last few years that led it to enter the mainstream. Come what may, game development has been reshaped in varied ways and the technologies along have brought endless possibilities in the sector. Everything from the kind of game being played to how they were developed, marketed, and monetized has not only changed but optimized in a way that has made the interaction and engagement between the game app developers and gamers evolved….Read more- DEVELOPMENTS IN GAMING BUSINESS: A REVIEW OF THE PAST 10 YEARS


William Frederick Halsey, Jr. once said “There are no great people in this world, only great challenges which ordinary people rise to meet”. Every individual on this planet has responsibilities and functions to undertake and on their way they meet challenges and with every challenge they face and overcome, they grow. That being said, so do the team of game designers and developers in a game development company.

Android is the biggest and a leading OS platform on which various mobile applications are developed for diverse industries and all business verticals. Android game development is an intricate process and involves many stages. Thus, It has been saddling the developers with myriad challenges on every step of its way but it also fascinates them to craft creative and immersive games.

An analysis made by Statista gave information on the number of available gaming apps in the Google Play app store. As of September 2020, there were three million forty thousand apps on Google Play Store and approximately three hundred eighty five thousand five hundred and fifty one of them were mobile gaming apps that is a 5.6 percent increase compared to the previous quarter…..Read more- THE USUAL CHALLENGES IN ANDROID GAME DEVELOPMENT


The global gaming market was valued at USD 162.32 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach a value of USD 295.63 billion by 2026, registering a CAGR of 10.5% over the forecast period (2021 – 2026).


Video games have mushroomed over the time and have become popular in the global market making the video game development process also quite prevalent. The competition is hot on the heels and the gaming industry is working hard towards giving the gamers an engaging and immersive gaming experience by making sure they have an extraordinary game development team and by introducing potential projects for the audience. This speaks volumes of the importance of mindfully hiring people that are a right fit for your team and who understand your vision well to get you where you want.

It all begins with an idea and implementation of that idea is what makes a great application and that requires a strong team that takes over tasks like programming, design, sound, project management, and business development. 

Every game project starts with mindful planning and hiring professional game app developer that bring your game idea to life. And, the hiring process is not easy when it comes to looking for a passionate and skillful team. So, further we will share with you a few points to look into when considering a game dev team……Read more- HOW TO FIND THE BEST GAME DEV TEAM FOR YOUR FIRST PROJECT


Game developers are responsible for creating the next big hit in the video game world and producing hours of entertainment for gamers across the globe. During a 2019 survey, 61 percent of game developers felt that more diversity in game content was the most important factor leading to future growth and success in the industry.


With reference to the above statistic, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that the competition in the gaming business is overwhelming for the game developers if not others. And, many take that to be constructive competition that inspires them to create work that reflects individuality, uniqueness, and is exceptional to reach people across the world. 

The game development industry is rapidly growing and the existing technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing, augmented reality, virtual reality, big data, and more are contributing manifolds to its growth. But, it all comes down to making entertainment for the people and creating something that they have never played or experienced before. And it wouldn’t be wrong to say that it is the game app developers who are the backbone behind creating exceptionally unique and fun video games. It is them who bring game ideas to life with the help of other people in the game development team….Read more- CORE POINTS TO CONSIDER BEFORE HIRING A GAME DEVELOPER


Today, there are about 2.5 billion gamers in the world and that number is expected to continue to rise. In terms of revenue, the gaming industry generated $35.4 billion in 2019, and about 2.3 billion gamers were waiting for new experiences in the same year. 



The gaming market is growing by leaps and bounds every year. And with that, the number of companies and developers are turning to external providers for their game development services. They say there are increased chances of coming across unique ideas, content, and skills that could be used in their favour. Time after time, there are new platforms being introduced and the technologies are evolving and reshaping industries and the world. This is not just changing the way people work but giving them new possibilities and strategies to work. And, to stay in the market, it is absolutely necessary to keep up with the emerging technologies and the new platform releases. Nevertheless, with all the other jobs going on, it becomes difficult for companies to keep up with the changing trends in the gaming market that helps them produce fun games and deliver high-quality content for the people.

Meanwhile, the option of hiring a game development team that has the skills, the expertise, and the knowledge to create a game to its best potential is what anyone would want. Though the process of hiring could be onerous if one doesn’t know how to get what he/she is looking for. The process requires planning, implementation, and execution.

A game development company that provides the services of game design and development are aware of the know-how that goes into creating a good game. And, a good game development outsourcing studio or company will provide you with the right team size (programmers, graphic and instructional designers, a content writer, illustrator, animator, voice actor, and a few quality assurance testers) that are required for a particular game with the appropriate skills to meet the demands of the game. Outsourcing game development on the other hand comes with a lot many advantages. It helps companies grow by taking advantage of the expertise that comes from hiring the right people for the job…Read more- THINGS TO CONSIDER WHEN OUTSOURCING GAME DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT


You might be aware that user engagement is not just another marketing gimmick. It is a survival approach in the wild digital marketing world, as well as a way for your company to stay afloat.

Almost every day, a new app is launched. With some, we see the hype, but after some time, they vanish. This pop and fizzle are because most game development company forget the importance of user engagement during the game development process. 

With billions of desktop and mobile apps as well as a higher expectation for a user-friendly interface, user retention and app engagement are vital in converting a first-time, curious user into a long-term active user.  

Speaking of retention and engagement, there is no clear distinction between the two in marketing apps. They instead complement and also sometimes interchange with each other. You might have your vision, but retention is often all about working with a current user base, which in turn involves a particular strategy and techniques to get them back.   

To some extent, user retention is difficult to achieve. The mobile gaming app market is brimming with applications, and with each day, they are skyrocketing. Like it or not, but for your own good, you must fight for your user retention.

Before we dive deeper into the strategies to boost user engagement and the tools used in user journey mapping, it is vital to understand what it is and why it is important for any web or mobile apps.

You may also read about: Fundamentals of game design & development


A user engagement simply means the number of users who are consistently engaged with your product over a given period. It measures whether the users find your product valuable or not. It is a significant factor of business success or failure…Read more- IMPORTANT METRICS DEVELOPERS MISS WHEN MAKING GAMES – USER ENGAGEMENT AND RETENTION


The Market for AR and VR for Gaming is forecast to reach $11.0 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 18.5% from 2021 to 2026. The market is driven by the growing popularity and integration of AR and VR technologies in mobile phones and other wearable devices. (SourceIndustryarc)

The above statistic makes one thing very clear that the gaming industry along with the game development company has seen tremendous growth over the past few years and predominantly smartphones are the major cause behind it. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that the industry owes its expansion to the smartphones that have given the users the flexibility to play anywhere and at any time. Augmented reality and Virtual reality are a user-focused technology that does amazing things and let’s people indulge in experiences that bring imagination to life. One can’t help but wonder about the experiences it provides its users to interact with the digital world by commingling the real world with the virtual.   

You may also read: Future Of Smartphones With Increasing Dynamic User Experiences

There are a lot of big investments happening in these commercially feasible technological advances and the percentage for this is just expected to grow in the coming years. As regards, there are many reasons behind businesses showing strong confidence in Augmented reality and Virtual reality, few of which we will discuss going forward. But for those of you who are new to this subject, let;s first understand what these terms actually mean…Read more- BUILD INTERACTIVE VIDEO GAMES WITH AR & VR TECHNOLOGY

HTML5 2D/3D Games Developers


HTML5 the new standard, has changed the way we perceive web. It has changed the way developers approach a portal or website. Some new set of features of HTML5 that we use in our games are as follows:

  • Canvas API: This API is the heart of game development on HTML5. This gives the whole set of functionalities to add sprites, redraw and transform. Our developers are able to render complex objects on screen using this API .
  • HTML5 WebSocket API: “Multiplayer game with HTML5” then WebSocket API is the answer.
  • Web Workers API: Spawn complex background gaming calculations now with HTML5.
  • Web Storage API: Game status and other information can now be persisted on the client side which opens a new door for offline web games as well.
  • many more……………

3D Games HTML5(WebGL)

WebGL is a JavaScript API for rendering interactive 3D graphics within any compatible web browser without the use of plug-ins. WebGL is a web implementation of OpenGL. Unfortunately every browser does not support it, Internet Explorer runs with an extra plugin and on Safari we have to enable it. But WebGL is the only future we game developers can see. The tools and libraries built over it make it even more powerful. WebGL offers all the latest 3D has to offer with good FPS. Our HTML5 game developers are able to handle shaders, lighting, rigging and cameras in WebGL.

Our Game developer’s experience and skill set in OpenGL has made our transition to WebGL extremely simple. Our WebGL developers have expertise in rendering very complex scenes/models with HD quality and FPS in HTML5. If you want to launch the next big title in role playing games, racing games or tower defense games or planning the next big social network in 3D, then hire us.

HTML5 -Publishing for multiple platforms

If you want to build a game which can be published, tested and released on all available platforms (Desktop, Laptops, Tablets, Phones) then HTML5 is the technology and Logic Simplified is your team..Know more  about –HTML5 2D/3D Games Development