Tag Archives: game design


This is the question that often comes up when I tell people what I do for a living. And if I try to explain what my job is really about, I often see them scratching their head, and I end up cutting it short.

However, the reality of what I do is much more complicated and requires a better and more in-depth explanation. That is why I wrote this article about UX (user experience) design.

To fully understand a UX design process, it is imperative to begin with a definition of the user experience. 

Today, user experience is everything. Anything one does must be optimized to develop an excellent digital understanding. User experience refers to the emotions and behaviour that are evoked in the consumer while using the service or product. 

Coming back to UX design, “UX” or “user experience”, is how a user feels when they use a certain product or service. A method of designing physical and digital products while keeping the target audience in mind. It involves a spectrum of feelings like senses, emotions, and physical interaction. This term was introduced by Donald Norman, who said:

I invented the term because I thought human interface and usability were too narrow. I wanted to cover all the aspects of the person’s experience with the system including industrial design, graphics, the interface, the physical interaction, and the manual.”……Read more- UX DESIGN – FROM CONCEPT TO COMPLETE GAME


A well-constructed user interface can increase the conversion rate of your website or applications by up to 200% and a better UX design can achieve conversion rates of up to 400%. 

(Source: Forrester)

There are numerous video games on the web, many of which are downloaded and played regularly by users. And, which is why Gaming industry and a game development company are working hard on the user interface bit of game applications and on other design aspects like branding, design, usability, and function. The companies understand the importance of the user interface and that it is an important element of user experience. Over and above that, there is an imperative need for such companies to offer the users a visually attractive, exciting and convenient to use application that gives them a good and relevant experience and makes them want to stay.

Even so, the UX and UI trends keep reshaping every year and something new and exciting comes in that changes the whole UI and UX design game. Let’s get deep into the dynamics that will rule the UI and UX designing in 2021.


Integration of Artificial intelligence in user interface designing resolves many issues and challenges that existed before AI bridged the gap between developers and designers. The challenges that arose from remote working, comfortable utilization of design systems, and other causal factors. AI-led modern tools and technologies to come up with new versions of their software that made the life of a designer not just easy but also encouraged progression in their work….Read more- KEY UI & UX GAME DESIGN TRENDS TO FOCUS IN 2021

PlayBook and BlackBerry Game Developers


BlackBerry development was earlier completely done in Java using RIM IDE. But since the launch of WebWorks we can build native BlackBerry games using HTML5. Our BlackBerry game developers really appreciate this initiative from RIM.

WebWorks game development for BlackBerry phone

We create 2D games for BlackBerry using HTML5. Our BlackBerry game developers test your game on BlackBerry 5.0 and above phones. We can port your game for other platforms quickly with minimum cost and time to market if we develop your game in JavaScript. The development becomes even simpler by the use of the famous JavaScript frameworks like Sencha andImpactJS for your BlackBerry game.

We have the complete testing infrastructure and profiling tools to test your games on a wide range of BlackBerry devices.

Html5 WebWorks framework : This is the fastest way to create exciting BlackBerry games and they can be easily ported to all platforms. BlackBerry JavaScript API provides access to all the features provided by native BlackBerry Java API. Our game developers use JavaScript API to create games that use GPS, TileMaps, cache and BBM. The JavaScript API also provide powerful graphics and media library functions to create most powerful games for your end users..Read full blog at –PlayBook and BlackBerry Game Developers

Apart from that you can check our latest game development blogs in our blog section.

Flash Game Developers

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Our developers have vast experience in developing Flash/Flex games. These games range from single user games to massive multiplayer online games. We handle all aspects of Flash/Flex game development. We design assets, help you create storyboards, architect and release your game title.

Our team uses state-of-the art tools to give you high-end game performance. The whole game development process is so evolved, that your end user would not face issues like game hang or slow load. Whether you want us to build games for Desktop, Web or Mobile (using air), the game performance would be a primary index in our mind. Our assets are used in games in form of sprite sheets. We also use advance engines, that are built using the new Adobe API (Stage3D) for graphics acceleration. Speed of rendering has been the highlight of our Flash/Flex game development division.

Publish your games for Web, Desktop & Mobile

We also have expertise in Stage3D. Stage3D API is a set of low-level GPU-accelerated APIs, enabling advanced 2D and 3D capabilities. Stage3D now supports all platforms, which helps us create games for multiple platforms, with the same code. Stage3D rendering speed is amazing…Read full Blog at- Flash Game Developers

What to Do to Bring Your Game Idea to Life


Have a game idea? Want to developed Game ?Want to bring it to life? Want to launch it to public? Want to make some money from it as well? No idea, how to start. Here is a quick checklist of things, you need to do to make your idea a reality.

Put it down on paper – Till the time it is in your head, it is just a dream. The first step towards realizing it, is to put it down on paper. Start writing it, don’t worry if you have no idea about how to write the requirements. Game applications generally have the following key aspects;

  1. Player character
  2. Background scenes
  3. Game characters, objects collectively called assets
  4. Most important game play, rules
  5. Scoring
  6. Add-ons like lives, powers, special collectibles etc
  7. How many players play it? Is it a single player game or multi player game?

If you keep these aspects in mind and document around them, it will define your game well. When you write them down, it will give your ideas a concrete shape as well.

Target platforms – This is the next step for you to decide. What are the target platforms that you want to launch the game on? Your options can be as below:

  • Play on computer – This can either be done as a web browser based game or an installable game. If you want this to be played on the browser, then you would need a website to hold it. Other option is to launch the game on social platform, like Facebook, as a Facebook app. If you want this to be installed on the computer, then you have to think, which OS platforms you want to target it for. The options can be Windows, Mac OS etc…Read full Blog at- What to Do to Bring Your Game Idea to Life