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For those enterprises already in the AI fray, top-performing companies said they are more than twice as likely as their peers to be using the technology for marketing (28% vs. 12%). Unsurprisingly, analysis of data is a key AI focus for businesses, with on-site personalization the second most commonly cited use case for AI. (SourceAdobe)

As the COVID-19 hit our lives, businesses have had a lashing impact on them and have transformed from the usual to virtual. In these times, they are leveraging technology to overcome the everyday challenges, to provide quality services to the customers, and to gear up for the future with future business solutions. Yet, the digital transformation has been amazing over the times and even so Businesses are eager to use AI and ML to the best of its capability to increase efficiency and productivity. 


The advancements in artificial intelligence has opened the doors for development and innovation. It is contributing multifolds to improvement in production and quality work by precisely discovering opportunities, patterns and themes in real time with large amounts of data and input sets. Of course with the speed at which these AI algorithms operate, they are paving the better ways of getting business done.

There are large amounts of data generated everyday that gives us a great deal of information about our customers preferences. Having said that, businesses understand the need to rely on the modern methods to drive growth. Intelligent computer softwares and actionable insights drawn from customer’s data help boost revenue, increase productivity, improve customer experience, and drive growth. Let’s see how….Read more- THE MOST IMPORTANT AND OVERLOOKED ROLES OF AI IN BUSINESS


It was back in the 1950s when a group of experts from different arenas came together to discuss the possibility of developing an artificial brain. Then again in the mid 1950s, John McCarthy coined the term “Artificial Intelligence” during a summer conference at the Dartmouth college. Since then, with every passing decade, there were innovations and observations in the field of AI that assured the future of AI to be promising and evolved. It was in the 1900s when many computer scientists around the world dwelled into research based findings in AI and this technology took its first big step towards advancement. What was once just a mere theory, now became the crux around technology and innovation.

Eighty-four percent of the respondents indicated that AI would allow their organizations to gain or sustain a competitive advantage over their rivals. 


There’s tonnes of data generated everyday of our lives and more often than not businesses know the importance of using this data to their advantage. And, it is technologies like Artificial Intelligence that help them do that. Having said that, AI trends and solutions are taking customer experience to another level with chatbots, digital assistants, facial recognition, biometric scanners, and more. It is helping companies draw insights from the large amount of data available and is making business intelligent. And by business intelligence, it means improving the effectiveness of marketing, understanding customers better, creating personalized experiences, and developing business strategies to help corporate decision making and leverage artificial intelligence in business management…..Read more- AI TRENDS IN 2021 TO BOOST BUSINESS PERFORMANCE