Category Archives: Xbox Game Developers

Windows Phone and XBox Game Developers

xbox game developers

We are a team of XBox game developers. We also develop games for Windows Phone. We XBox game developers build multiplayer games using XBox live and Windows liveWe use XNA 4.0 SDK for our Windows Phone 7 and Xbox game development. Our developers focus on C# based XNA development. Our Windows game developers use Shader 2.0 and generally test games for hardware that support Direct X 10.0 and above. XNA 4.0 Framework is a blessing for our developers after they worked directly with Direct X SDK and Managed Direct X. XNA makes the complete game development procedure fun and lets us focus more on end user experience.

XNA gives our developers power to create and add most complex features to your games. It gives us powerful shader language(HLSL), physics engine, model loaders, 3D collision detection, shooting, particle system, networking API and access to Xbox live and MSN live API. So basically they have provided us with all the tools we need to create a powerful 2D/3D game for you.

HLSL – High level shading language

HLSL allows developers to write in a language that is similar to C which translates into assembly language on the graphics card itself. So if we need to access directly your graphics card and speed up the game then we need HLSL. We have separate team of developers who are experts in HLSL to give your Windows game an edge…Read Full blog at-Windows Phone and XBox Game Developers