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Level Up Your Game Development Skills:Expert Strategies and Techniques


In the rapidly evolving world of gaming, a reliable game development company can make all the difference between a successful game and a forgettable one. Whether you are an indie developer looking to bring your vision to life or an established studio seeking expertise and resources, selecting the right game development company is crucial. In this blog, we will delve into the key factors to consider when choosing a game development company and how it can impact your game’s success.

Experience and Expertise 

When searching for a game development company, experience and expertise should be at the top of your checklist. Look for a company that has a proven track record in the industry, with a portfolio of successful games across various genres and platforms. A company with extensive experience will bring invaluable insights and best practices to your project, ensuring its quality and marketability.

Furthermore, consider the specific expertise that the game development company offers. Are they proficient in developing games for specific platforms, such as mobile or console? Do they specialize in a particular genre, such as action, strategy, or virtual reality? Aligning their expertise with your project’s requirements will enhance the development process and result in a more polished final product.

Development Process and Methodology 

Understanding the development process and methodology is vital to ensuring a smooth collaboration. Inquire about their development cycle, including concept ideation, prototyping, alpha and beta testing, and final release. A well-defined and structured process will keep the development on track and ensure timely delivery.

Additionally, transparency and effective communication are essential throughout the development process. A reliable game development company will keep you updated on the project’s progress, involve you in decision-making, and address any concerns promptly. Regular milestones and progress reports will help you gauge the project’s status and make necessary adjustments along the way.

Portfolio and References 

A game development company’s portfolio speaks volumes about their capabilities and creativity. Take the time to explore their previous projects and assess the quality of their work. Look for diversity in game genres, visual aesthetics, gameplay mechanics, and user interfaces. This will give you an idea of their versatility and ability to cater to different player preferences.

Moreover, don’t hesitate to ask for references or client testimonials. Reach out to their past clients to gain insights into their experience working with the game development company. Inquire about the company’s reliability, professionalism, adherence to deadlines, and overall satisfaction with the end product. Feedback from previous clients can provide invaluable information to help you make an informed decision.

Collaboration and Support 

Successful game development involves a collaborative partnership between you and the game development company. Assess their willingness to understand your vision, accommodate your creative input, and iterate on the game design based on your feedback. A company that values your ideas and encourages collaboration will result in a game that aligns more closely with your original vision.

Additionally, consider the level of support the game development company provides post-release. Will they assist with bug fixes, updates, and future expansions? Ongoing support is crucial for the long-term success of your game, ensuring that it remains functional, relevant, and engaging for your players.


Selecting the right game development company is a critical decision that can significantly impact the success of your game. By considering factors such as experience, expertise, development process, portfolio, collaboration, and support, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your project’s goals. Remember, a reliable game development company will not only bring technical proficiency to your project but also contribute to its creativity, marketability, and long-term success.


According to the recent KPMG report, the online gaming segment in the country is projected to grow at a CAGR of 21% over FY21-FY25 to reach a size of Rs 29,000 crore. (SourceThePrint)

The pace at which the gaming industry is growing is unbelievable. The massive surge in use of smartphone, internet and digital payments in recent times have taken off. Game development engines are a software-development environment designed for developers to create video games for different platforms. There are various factors that are considered when choosing the right gaming engine for your star game ide like the programming language, compatibility with operating systems, cross-platform support, and many others. Further, we have explained the rationale behind choosing one from the best game development engines to help build your first game.


Unity Game Development Engine

Unity is one of the best game development engines and the most popular one among the other gaming engines. It has an imperative 45 percent share of the global game engine market which is nearly three times its size of its nearest competitor. (SourceThe Next Web


It is the largest community where Unity users and creators connect and learn plenty from each other. There is a Unity Forum where the Unity users interact and share a lot of information about the software, its updates, challenges, suggestions, latest developments, and so much more. This archive of knowledge about the Unity system is available on the platform for all. Unity blogs give the latest information and news on all things Unity. Then there is Unity 1:1 guidance from its verified community expert that the brand offers and along with that there are one-on-one lessons with certified Unity community experts that are available on its portal. Its issue tracker gives information about the bugs they have reproduced. Documentation 


It is a growing library of 2D and 3D assets that include sprites, fonts, textures, characters, environments, materials, UI elements, amongst others. Its section of 3D assets offers characters, vehicles, trees, bushes, animation, and other props. Unity and its community members create these assets for their use and also make it available for others to use by publishing them to the store. There are a range of assets available out of which some are free and others can be accessed at affordable prices. These assets are way more valuable than they seem. They save the developers time, effort and game development company cost that can be put into use to a task that demands it. 

Other than 2D and 3D assets, there are other categories of assets like Add-ons, audio, essentials, templates, tools, and VFX. The Add-ons provide more improved features for the project. The website or the Unity game framework mentions top-rated assets that are ranked by the users for better choice…Read more- THE BEST GAME DEVELOPMENT ENGINES TO DISCOVER IN 2021



Unity is the most popular game development engine that is used by game development company and developers to design and develop entertaining and dynamic games and interactive visualizations. It is a cross-platform gaming engine that lets you create, operate, and monetize 2D and 3D games for various target platforms. However, with the gaming industry on the rise, there is a soaring demand for game developers in the market. Various responsibilities come under the shoulder of a Unity Game developer that we will discuss later in the blog. Unity, the third-party game engine lets Unity developers, artists, and designers create and operate experiences in real-time. It is an extremely flexible, highly extensible, and well documented process. It provides the developers with the flexibility to create interactive prototypes for enhanced user experiences. Its physics, real-time 3D rendering, and animation are great tools that can help you explore and experiment with automation, simulations, and architecture. 


We have a team of game engineers, designers, coders, and testers who together develop a video game using the Unity game engine. The game development process involves stages such as planning, pre-production, production, testing, pre-launch, launch, and post-launch. It allows the users to develop games in 2D as well and 3D and in languages such as C#, Java, or Boo. A Unity 3D games developer designs and creates high-quality 2D and 3D games and applications using Unity software. 

After the idea is framed and before the development process begins, the team creates a project plan and production roadmap in the pre-production phase where decisions regarding the features and functionalities are finalized. Afterwhich, the game development process begins that includes steps that may vary depending upon the requirement of the game.

1. The process starts by creating a new project in Unity 3D. 

2. You customize the layout using the windows – Scene, Game, Hierarchy, Project, and Inspector.

3. You save the scene and set up the build by choosing the desired platform and player settings.

4. Then create the stage by adding cubes and adding a  plane GameObject.

5. Next, create the player using the GameObjects and add physics by adding components. 

6. Then make the player move by adding and minimizing components. Then start creating a script in the programming language you prefer. Add lighting and fine-tune the camera angle in a way that follows the players and their movements. This is done by creating a script called “cameraMovement”.

7. After all this is done, save the scene and the project. Next, create items and hazards by creating GameObjects and then you test the game…Read more- UNITY GAME DEVELOPER SKILLS & PROFICIENCIES TO CONSIDER BEFORE HIRING THE ONE


Anything that has a chance to make money is always the “next big thing” type. The same is with the NFT. It is entering into every aspect of life, with all kinds of art, entertainment and gaming. The latest sector that has grabbed the interests of developers, startups, etc., is the online gaming industry. Every week, another big-name gaming studio or games storefront is integrating NFTs into its 2022 business strategy. What distinguishes NFT online gaming from regular games is that in-game assets have a real-world value that has not been clearly specified and transparent. Assets can be bought, sold, and traded for thousands of dollars and sometimes millions through established cryptocurrency networks like Ethereum. 


Whether NFT is used in gaming or somewhere else, the abbreviation refers to a “Non-Fungible Token” for digital assets. Though the name makes its sound complex, the concept is quite simple. An NFT is a blockchain-based digital crypto token representing unique identification codes and metadata. They can be added to a video clip, digital images or memes, etc. 

NFT is the basis of “play-to-earn” games. In order to play the game and obtain in-game objects, players have to spend a certain sum of cryptocurrency. Despite its form, when you have an NFT for a specific virtual item, you have a validated token for it on a blockchain or a digital ledger. In simple terms, you acquire a particular link that confirms your connection with the digital object…..Read more- WHY NFT ONLINE GAMING IS THE NEXT BIG THING? AN OVERVIEW


Imagine the internet, which we use daily to play games with our pals or make online purchases. The entire internet experience that we currently have is basically 2D. At the same time, some of the applications which we often use have 3D components. The concept of Metaverse gaming improves the whole internet experience to a 3D world where the users can interact with each other through their avatars and the virtual world around them using modern HCI (human-computer interaction) software and hardware. 

The Metaverse is not a newly created word, and it was originated in 1992. Author Neal Stephenson invented the term first time in his fiction novel “Snow Crash”, imagining avatars who can meet and talk in a digital space. It is a combination of various technologies such as virtual reality, machine learning, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technology. Players can use this technology to develop a virtual identity and enter the digital world. They can have a captivating experience by adapting to their surroundings rather than focusing on a flat-screen. Metaverse gaming gives an illusion of you being part of the virtual world in real life. 

NFTs, on the other hand, are a new class of digital assets that is one-of-a-kind, valuable, immutable, and indivisible. They show the ownership of virtual assets like weapons, costumes, avatars, and many more. Nob-fungible tokens are safely stored on a blockchain technology behind cryptocurrencies. The NFTs technology plays a vital role in Metaverse development. Once you buy a specific virtual object, you own a token that is certified on a blockchain and establish your connection with the virtual asset.


In the gaming sector, the Metaverse is not a newly invented term. It is one of the major sectors which allows users to interact in ways they have never done before in a challenging game environment. It enables players to create, sell and trade objects in NFTs form in a shared digital realm. NFT gaming technologies are breaking the digital world’s limits, allowing gamers not only to trade items but also they can even transfer them through the Metaverse. 

This word is used by game development company and a few gamers in their gaming experience. With the right equipment VR headset, players will get an opportunity to teleport to their favourite games in person quickly. The online free-to-play cross-platform battle royale game Fortnite is the finest example of proto-metaverse. The gaming industry has evolved to the advanced world of virtual avatars and transactions that are powered by cryptocurrency or NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens)…..Read more- METAVERSE & NFT: A NEW WORLD FOR GAME DESIGNERS & DEVELOPERS



  • Game Genre Educational
  • App Platform iOS, Android, and Web
  • Time Duration of Project October 2017 – Ongoing


  • Project manager – 1
  • Quality Analyst – 4
  • UI, UX Artist – 1
  • Node Developer – 4
  • Front-end Team – 5


Award-winning educational gaming website offers 1000+ learning activities for kids in grades K to 5, both educational and interactive. The website covers math, social studies, language and arts, typing, science, creativity, and logic. The game supports young minds to create new skills more efficiently while promoting fun. Interactive puzzle games, lesson plans, animated games, skill-building games, worksheets, storybooks, and many more make learning fun. The site covers everything from phonics to word recognition, videos to experiments, colouring sheets, etc. In addition, the game allows engaging activities to assist the kid in practising for better concept retention.


Our client’s idea was to upgrade their existing website and add new exciting games in order to entice a new audience of early learners and their parents. They wanted us to develop unique and captivating games for each grade level in every subject with age-appropriate content so that there is always something new to discover and encourage kids to keep coming back for more. They approached a game development company Logic Simplified to lead the project through all stages of production, from new game creation up to its successful launch…Read more- CREATING AN ENGAGING & FUN DIGITAL EXPERIENCE FOR KIDS – CASE STUDY

HTML5 2D/3D Games Developers


HTML5 the new standard, has changed the way we perceive web. It has changed the way developers approach a portal or website. Some new set of features of HTML5 that we use in our games are as follows:

  • Canvas API: This API is the heart of game development on HTML5. This gives the whole set of functionalities to add sprites, redraw and transform. Our developers are able to render complex objects on screen using this API .
  • HTML5 WebSocket API: “Multiplayer game with HTML5” then WebSocket API is the answer.
  • Web Workers API: Spawn complex background gaming calculations now with HTML5.
  • Web Storage API: Game status and other information can now be persisted on the client side which opens a new door for offline web games as well.
  • many more……………

3D Games HTML5(WebGL)

WebGL is a JavaScript API for rendering interactive 3D graphics within any compatible web browser without the use of plug-ins. WebGL is a web implementation of OpenGL. Unfortunately every browser does not support it, Internet Explorer runs with an extra plugin and on Safari we have to enable it. But WebGL is the only future we game developers can see. The tools and libraries built over it make it even more powerful. WebGL offers all the latest 3D has to offer with good FPS. Our HTML5 game developers are able to handle shaders, lighting, rigging and cameras in WebGL.

Our Game developer’s experience and skill set in OpenGL has made our transition to WebGL extremely simple. Our WebGL developers have expertise in rendering very complex scenes/models with HD quality and FPS in HTML5. If you want to launch the next big title in role playing games, racing games or tower defense games or planning the next big social network in 3D, then hire us.

HTML5 -Publishing for multiple platforms

If you want to build a game which can be published, tested and released on all available platforms (Desktop, Laptops, Tablets, Phones) then HTML5 is the technology and Logic Simplified is your team..Know more  about –HTML5 2D/3D Games Development

Game Development Company In India- Logic Simplified


Logic Simplified is the best game development company of India. Our game development unit has programmers selected with extreme care. We make sure that they have capability to understand and implement optimized, well structured, scalable code packet. Our game development team ensures that we keep up to deadlines, schedules and understand importance of well documented code. Our team works with many game engines to implement various game play logic, AI and mechanics.

Technical skills not enough, we ensure

  • Use of SVN/GIT as code repository
  • Use of Ant/Maven as build tools
  • Use of Debugging/Profiling tools
  • Intellectual Property Right Protection of source code and game assets
  • Encryption, compression of game assets, obfuscation of client side scripts
  • Complete documentation of architecture
  • Agile development methodology to keep up with changing requirements
  • Use of bug tracing systems like Track, Mantis, JIRA

The game development process requires programmers with various skills. Our lead programmers are generally trained to be good in most of them but we make sure our developers are experts in atleast one of them.

Artificial Intelligence Programmer

Our Game development unit has AI programmers. These programmers have strong Object Oriented design skills. They have strong 3D Math, Trigonometry, Calculus and Linear Algebra. They have experience in Path finding, locomotion, collision detection, finite state machines. They have knowledge of Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy State Logic…Read full blog at –Game Development Company In India

How Adobe Helps Us Bringing Your Game Idea To Life


Since the beginning era of digital designing, Adobe has played a major role in providing better tools for Designers and Developers to achieve the best quality designs or a solid platform to code upon.

Developing games has always been an area, which requires lots of creativity, passion and enthusiasm. It requires lots of technical and design skills, patience and of course a brilliant idea.

You may have an awesome idea which you eagerly want to showcase to the world, but when it comes to implementing that idea into a game, there starts the real trouble. You have to consider things like, how to run your game on various platforms like Android, iOS and PC, or how to make your game look visually awesome and at the same time run fluidly on low end devices, or the cost of creating such a game which fits the budget of your pocket. These are few things that come in mind when, one thinks about developing a game.

To make life easier for Indie Game Developers, at the end of 2012, Adobe launched a set of tools named appropriately Adobe Gaming SDK…Read full blog at- How Adobe Helps Us Bringing Your Game Idea To Life

Kickstart Your Game Idea on Kickstarter


More often than not, we hear from clients who have a brilliant game idea, want to bring it to life and have no idea what it will take. This is where we come in and help people to give shape to their ideas and plan a roadmap on how they can make their dream come true.

People generally just have idea. They have nothing beyond that, and they do not know what it might cost. So, the first step is to put their idea on a piece of paper. This is where it all starts. So, the first step in the process is where we help clients put their idea on document. We help them create their game stories, list all the aspects of the game play. This is the first step in giving shape to their ideas.

At this point we give our clients an indication about the effort, time and cost that this game idea might take. This is a reality check. Believe me that it is always higher than what the clients have thought of and many times, the clients have never thought that it might take this much. We help people who are ready to move ahead at this point. Generally people do not have the budget ready with them. This is where our Kickstarter funding program helps them.

Kickstarter is an excellent platform to test the waters for your idea. With a very minimal investment, you get a chance to float your idea, gather supporters and get your idea funded, without losing any stakes. We help our clients create and run a Kickstarter campaign for their idea. Read full blog at- Kickstart Your Game Idea on Kickstarter

Apart from that you can read more blog related to game development and latest games technology.