Category Archives: Game Evolution

Consulting Key of Your Game Idea’s


Games! Video games! Everybody born after the 70s have played them at least in the early part of their life. Some follow this as a passion even in the later phases of their life as well. Some casual gamers become avid gamers and many come up with their own ideas for new games or to make a better version of an older game. But having an idea and converting it to reality can be completely different ball game. Your experience of being a gamer can be useful but you need professional consulting to go further with your idea. Below I am giving a glimpse of how a professional game consultant can help you give the right direction to your game idea.

1. Market research – Get the answers to these questions.

  • Are you the first one to have this idea?
  • Is there a game in the market already on this idea?
  • What is the closest game to your idea in the market?
  • How successful are those games? How much competition do you have?
  • If you are the first one to develop game on this idea, then think why someone has not developed the game before on it? Is it viable?
  • If there are already games similar to your idea, then what different are you going to offer to beat the competition?
  • Is there enough space in the market to have your game along with other similar games to share the market space and still be profitable?

It is difficult for you to get these answers yourself. This is the first and most crucial step where your consultant will help you.

2. Converting an idea to a business case – Once you are convinced that your game idea has the space and potential to fit in and do well, the next step is to give your idea a shape. The consultant can help put your idea on pen and paper. This gives a concrete shape to your idea…Read full blog at-  Consulting Key of Your Game Idea’s

Apart from that you can learn more blogs here related to game design, Game development and Mobile games development enhance  your technical skills .

The Evolution of Video Game Market in China

game evolution

The international Video game market has surpassed 100 billion USD and is expected to reach 102.9 billion USD in 2017 according to Daxue Consulting recent report. This increase is mainly due to the development of the Asian countries coupled with the rise of the use of Smartphones. China is indeed predicted to go beyond  the US market in 2017, to become the world’s largest video game market.

This changed is mainly due to the banned for video game consoles and games to enter the Chinese market. Since 2014, Chinese regulations have been cut down this banned, offering the opportunity for foreign companies to sell video game consoles and games in mainland China under the condition of content review and administration requirements such as partnering with a Chinese company operating in the foreign-trade zone.

A New Market Dynamic for Console Game in China

The three main manufacturers that is present worldwide Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo, have the intention to conquer China’s market. To enter the market, they have created a joint venture with Chinese companies. With heavy investment in the Chinese market, they have opted for very specific offers and strategies to meet the market demand. For instance, Nintendo has opted for a more adapted approach in the emerging market in China. The CEO of Nintendo, Tatsumi Kimishima has declared, “We want to make new things, with new thinking rather than a cheaper version of what we currently have, the product and price balance must be made from scratch.”  However, the video game market is also composed of local companies with ambitious plans.Read Full blog at- The Evolution of Video Game Market in China

You can also read more blog related to video games and games development.