Category Archives: game development

The Blockchain Backbone: Smart Contracts Unveiled in NFT Games for Ownership, Trading, and Immersive Gameplay

In the ever-evolving world of gaming, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have emerged as a game-changer, literally. NFTs, powered by blockchain technology, have paved the way for a revolutionary gaming experience. In this blog post, we’ll delve deep into the pivotal role of smart contracts in NFT games, exploring how they facilitate ownership, trading, and create immersive gameplay experiences. Along the way, we’ll also touch upon the significance of game development services and hire game designers in this exciting domain.

Understanding the NFT Revolution

Before we dive into the magic of smart contracts, let’s grasp the essence of NFTs. NFTs are unique digital assets that represent ownership of a specific item, character, or piece of content within a game. Unlike traditional in-game assets, NFTs can be bought, sold, and traded both within and outside the gaming ecosystem. This opens up a world of possibilities for players and developers alike.

Smart Contracts: The Heart of NFT Games

At the core of NFT games are smart contracts. These self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code are the blockchain backbone that powers NFTs. Here’s how they work their magic:

Facilitating Ownership

In traditional gaming, owning in-game items or characters is often limited to the game’s ecosystem. However, with NFTs and smart contracts, ownership takes on a whole new dimension. Each NFT is a unique token representing a specific in-game asset. When a player acquires an NFT, the smart contract records this ownership securely on the blockchain.

This means that players have true ownership of their in-game items. They can buy, sell, or trade NFTs as they see fit, without any restrictions imposed by the game developer. This ownership is transparent, secure, and cannot be manipulated, thanks to the blockchain’s immutable nature.

Game Development Services: Building the Foundation

To create NFT games, game development service are essential. Experienced game development studios offer the technical expertise needed to integrate smart contracts into the gaming ecosystem seamlessly. These services include:

  1. Blockchain Integration: Game developers must connect their game with the blockchain, ensuring that NFTs are minted and managed correctly.
  2. Smart Contract Development: Skilled developers craft custom smart contracts that govern the creation, transfer, and interaction of NFTs within the game.
  3. User Interface/Experience (UI/UX) Design: A user-friendly interface is crucial to ensure players can easily navigate and interact with their NFTs. This is where hiring a game designer with expertise in UI/UX can make a significant difference.
  4. Security: Game development services also focus on ensuring the security of NFTs and player data, safeguarding against potential threats or vulnerabilities.

Enhancing Gameplay Interactions

Smart contracts don’t just stop at ownership; they enhance gameplay interactions in NFT games. Here’s how:

Decentralized Gameplay Mechanics: Smart contracts enable decentralized game mechanics, where in-game actions are governed by code rather than central authority. This fosters trust among players, as they can verify that the game’s rules are being followed to the letter.

Interoperability: Thanks to the blockchain’s interoperable nature, NFTs from one game can be used in another, creating a metaverse of interconnected gaming experiences. For example, a character obtained in one NFT game could be used in a different game that supports the same standard.

Hiring Game Designers: Crafting the Player Experience

Game designers play a pivotal role in ensuring that NFT games are not just about blockchain technology but also deliver immersive and engaging experiences. Their responsibilities include:

  1. Narrative and World-building: Game designers create compelling stories and intricate worlds that draw players in, making them emotionally invested in their NFT assets.
  2. Balancing Gameplay: Balancing the gameplay to make it fair and enjoyable is essential. Game designers ensure that owning NFTs doesn’t create an unfair advantage for some players.
  3. Integration of NFTs: Designers work closely with developers to seamlessly integrate NFTs into the game world, ensuring they enhance the player’s experience rather than disrupt it.

The Future of NFT Games

As NFT games continue to gain momentum, the future looks promising. We can expect to see:

  • Advanced Game Economies: NFT games will likely feature more sophisticated economies, where in-game assets have real-world value and influence the game’s overall balance.
  • Cross-Platform Experiences: With NFTs acting as bridges between different games, players can look forward to exciting cross-platform experiences and collaborations.
  • Expanded Game Design Opportunities: Game designers will have more creative freedom to explore innovative game mechanics that leverage NFTs.

In conclusion, NFT games powered by smart contracts are redefining ownership, trading, and gameplay interactions. Game development services and the expertise of game designers are crucial in bringing these experiences to life. As the world of gaming continues to evolve, NFTs and smart contracts are poised to play a central role in shaping the future of interactive entertainment. It’s an exciting time to be a gamer and a game developer, as we venture into this blockchain-powered frontier of endless possibilities.


Since NFT took the world by storm in 2021, they progressed beyond JPEG collectibles to establish themselves as a force in the crypto as well as Web 3.0 world. They have evolved into valuable assets with numerous applications in both the virtual and physical worlds. But now, the NFT era has been rising to its next better version with the introduction of NFT 2.0. NFT 2.0 represents an upgrade or evolution of the original NFT concept, incorporating the latest advancements and increasing utility in the existing NFT systems. This new form of NFT is expected to surpass the capabilities of its predecessor and offer even more exciting possibilities. 

What is NFT 2.0?

NFT 2.0 is closely related to the first version of NFTs. In fact, NFT 2.0 operates seamlessly with NFT 1.0, incorporating the existing NFT infrastructure with new capabilities. NFT 2.0 can be viewed as an extension of NFT 1.0 rather than a completely new concept. While NFT 1.0 allows ownership of unique tokenized digital assets, NFT 2.0 broadens the possibilities by creating a new digital asset market with enhanced utilities (NFT use cases). Also, the most recent version of the NFT allows its owners to do more with their tokenized items. It enables players to interact and play around with their acquired digital assets. These assets can range from rare digital artwork to in-game objects, music, in-game items, tickets and other digital items.

But, apart from an increasing number of use cases, what distinguishes NFT 2.0? Let’s look at what differentiates NFT 2.0 from the previous form of NFT. 

What differentiates NFT 2.0 from NFT 1.0?


The ability to generate algorithmic randomness in tokenized digital assets is known as generativity. With it, players can pick an NFT that best fits their use case. Moreover, AI can incorporate customization to better meet the needs of NFT users. Let’s take a scenario to see how generativity works in NFT. 

Assume you have three devices: One device that supports video, another with text and audio support and a third device that displays JPEGs. The latest version of NFT enables players to combine multiple assets into a single entity. Algorithmic randomness can be used to determine which content is suitable for every device as it retrieves it. This means video NFT will play on the video device, music NFT will play on the music device, etc.


NFT 1.0 only allows unique digital assets to be bought and sold on exchanges, but it is not possible to customize an asset. NFT 2.0 allows modifying an asset in order to develop a new customized asset. Metadata, artwork, and additional resources are all examples of changes. So, composability opens up to explore new possibilities for collectors by combining various assets together.


Another notable aspect of NFT 2.0 is interactivity. Interactivity makes it possible for current NFTs to automatically execute any changes made to them and any other NFTs that are part of it. By incorporating smart contracts into each NFT, they become smart and intelligent to take input from users and other sources. The inclusion of smart contracts into the current NFT infrastructure equips the NFTs with the power to do more than existing NFTs. Also, based on the owner’s preferences, NFTs can do a wide range of tasks, including sending commands, equipping other NFTs, altering their look, and more.


The experiential property of NFT 2.0 consists of the three features mentioned above, which collectively capture an authentic user experience. Consider collectible ticketed events as NFTs that provide the holder with advanced utilities. Alternatively, creating NFTs in response to how the user interacts with the application. In addition to many other industries, the gaming sector is keen to adopt NFT 2.0. Read more – NFT 2.0: THE NEXT VERSION OF NFT YOU MUST KNOW


Complete Project Details

Game Genre – Card Game

App Platform – iOS and Android

Time Duration of Project – 5 Months

Our Team On Project

Project Manager –1

Quality Analyst –1

UI/UX Artist –1

Tester –1

Front-end Developer –2

Back-end Developer –2

Client: Kushtena

Kushtena is a fast-paced, trick-taking card game that is great for improving one’s card skills. It is played in two teams and features elements of Arabian culture, with accordion music, cards adorned with exotic faces and embelished with old-world jewelry. This game is suitable for both adults and children and is full of excitement and competitiveness, making it an adrenaline-filled activity. The multiplayer app includes options for both public and private game rooms, as well as voice and text chat features so you can connect with friends and combat boredom. In addition to being a fun way to relax, Kushtena also helps to develop strategic thinking and teamwork skills.


Our client came to us with a request for a full-cycle card game development that would transport an old Middle Eastern card game into the tech age. The trick-taking game needed to be highly engaging for long periods of time and provide endless entertainment value. The UI/UX needed to be carefully crafted to keep players absorbed in the game without feeling overwhelmed. From the colour scheme to the graphics to the music, everything had to be perfectly tailored to the theme of the game.But that’s not all – our clients also requested the addition of an AI bot feature that would allow players to pick up right where they left off if their internet connection drops or the app goes into the background. Plus, an option for the user to play in both club and global tournaments. Lastly, a vital feature requested by the client was audio and chat functionality. Read more- HOW LS REVIVED A LESSER-KNOWN CARD GAME INTO AN IMMERSIVE ONLINE FROLIC


Over the past five years, virtual reality has taken an important place in the real world. Devices and services dedicated to the use of virtual reality have already been created and are used in daily life. You can find it in movies, video games, and many more. For instance, Pokemon Go is one of the best VR games that took the world by storm and was released to the mobile-gaming market in 2016. And companies like Samsung created a virtual reality gaming headset which can instantly connect to your mobile devices. 

Also read about the Best Playstation VR Games

WebVR Shopping Portal Application Development

From virtual reality game development company, VR portal development has moved to the retail and e-commerce industry as a great tool for enticing new customers. The outburst in the growth of VR is great news for eCommerce merchants. New platforms for marketing and techniques don’t come around much. But whenever they do, if you want to survive, you have to be the first one to jump on board.

Possibly you would have been in a situation where you are looking for a product online, but you hesitate to buy. This is because you want to see that in a person first. Sound familiar?……Read more- VR WEBSITE: A NEW WAY TO ENTICE CUSTOMERS


Virtual reality (VR) is no longer a new concept and we are already witnessing its incredible potential in industries like healthcare, retail, education, real estate, transport and game development company. Although aviation and entertainment were the first ones to adopt virtual reality development, it is now quickly coming to the mainstream with endless opportunities across various industries. Many VCs and companies are also seeing virtual reality development space as a hot destination for investments. The VR funding in 2019 stood at $2.4 bn and the global VR market size was valued at $10.32 billion. There’s no doubt that virtual reality development is quickly becoming commercially viable, but it is also presenting a massive challenge of dealing with the endless, enormous data files being created by VR platforms. This brings me to shed light on the reality of information storage in virtual reality development…..Read more- CHALLENGES IN STORAGE FOR VIRTUAL REALITY DEVELOPMENT 


Jim Bergeson, CEO of Bridgz Marketing Group in Minneapolis said, “Data will talk to you if you are willing to listen”. And that’s right, holding data accountable for all your answers is the way to go and a machine learning system believes just that, it learns from data and runs on it. A machine or model uses data to find, train, and optimize itself and build high prediction and generalization capabilities required to solve a specific problem. One of the types of dataset used is Validation dataset or dev set or development set

Surveys of machine learning developers and data scientists have shown that the data collection and preparation steps can take up to 80% of a machine learning project’s time. 

Source: SearchEnterpriseAI

A machine learning model creation step involves training the model and then testing it. It starts with an idea, according to which the raw data is collected for the model and then data processing for AI and ML algorithms takes place which converts the data into a form that can be used by the model to learn. Once the model is built to solve a specific problem, it is tested until the model gives satisfying results…..Read more- DEVELOPMENT SETS IN MACHINE LEARNING


Currently, there are 2.5 billion gamers, that’s a third of the world population!

With compelling hardware and advanced tools available today in the market, mobile game development is growing by leaps and bounds and so is the user engagement for video games. That’s how choosing the right tools, engines and platforms for the game becomes essential and helps build breathtaking entertainment (games). Gameplay and storyline with suitable engine, graphic, and development tools are important too. Having that in mind, Android supports all sorts of creativity and innovation that game app developers want to add to their games. 

Unlike the old days, the present is about experimenting with disparate technologies – Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Augmented reality, and others. Undoubtedly, these ingenuities have redefined a myriad of modern industries and the gaming industry is no exception….Read more- ANDROID DEVELOPMENT – HOW TO MAKE A GAME FOR TODAY’S GAMER


For a long time now, video games have been taken as the ultimate source of entertainment by many. Its history started way back in the 1950s and until now, this industry has come a long way and is now one of the most profitable entertainment industries in the world. Over the times, games have evolved and so have the game production techniques and gaming devices. However, the modern technologies and innovative softwares have had a lashing impact on the development of the gaming industry and has contributed to bring it to the forefront. The games becoming more available and hand-held were few of many other reasons that have led to increase the gamer’s appetite for video games.

Introduction of Twitch – the world’s leading live streaming platform for gamers, launch of Nintendo Switch – the switch console in 2017 for hand-held gaming, gaming subscriptions becoming available, step-up in production of story-based games, rise in mobile gaming, introduction of game awards and their increased viewership, these were just a few landmarking happenings that occurred in the gaming world in the last few years that led it to enter the mainstream. Come what may, game development has been reshaped in varied ways and the technologies along have brought endless possibilities in the sector. Everything from the kind of game being played to how they were developed, marketed, and monetized has not only changed but optimized in a way that has made the interaction and engagement between the game app developers and gamers evolved….Read more- DEVELOPMENTS IN GAMING BUSINESS: A REVIEW OF THE PAST 10 YEARS


Over the past few years, we have seen Metaverse, NFT (non-fungible tokens), and DeFi (Decentralized Finance) popping up everywhere, and gaining traction. NFT, Metaverse, and DeFi come with various use cases in the real world, so naturally, you must be curious about their applications. All three entities have unique benefits while sharing and contributing to each other’s growth. 


Metaverse is a virtual world for immersive experiences where people around the world can meet, watch, play and trade. It is a concept of a persistent, online, 3D universe that combines multiple virtual spaces. They have predicted it to be a future iteration of the internet. The metaverse will essentially allow users to meet, work, play games, and socialize with each other in these 3D spaces. 

Experts are also optimistic about decentralized finance (DeFi), which provides financial instruments without counting on intermediaries such as brokerages, exchanges, or banks by using smart contracts on the blockchain. It includes earning interest, borrowing, lending, buying insurance, and trading by-products or assets. DeFi currently is at the developing stage where many game development company are growing big in this space and are watching closely for new solutions appearing and getting adopted by the masses…..Read more- IMPORTANCE OF METAVERSE, NFT, AND DEFI IN THE BLOCKCHAIN WORLD


William Frederick Halsey, Jr. once said “There are no great people in this world, only great challenges which ordinary people rise to meet”. Every individual on this planet has responsibilities and functions to undertake and on their way they meet challenges and with every challenge they face and overcome, they grow. That being said, so do the team of game designers and developers in a game development company.

Android is the biggest and a leading OS platform on which various mobile applications are developed for diverse industries and all business verticals. Android game development is an intricate process and involves many stages. Thus, It has been saddling the developers with myriad challenges on every step of its way but it also fascinates them to craft creative and immersive games.

An analysis made by Statista gave information on the number of available gaming apps in the Google Play app store. As of September 2020, there were three million forty thousand apps on Google Play Store and approximately three hundred eighty five thousand five hundred and fifty one of them were mobile gaming apps that is a 5.6 percent increase compared to the previous quarter…..Read more- THE USUAL CHALLENGES IN ANDROID GAME DEVELOPMENT