Monthly Archives: July 2022


IoT is one of the shining innovations of the 21st century that can connect all the devices via the web. Smart Homes, driverless cars and modern offices are some primary examples of IoT success. Gartner predicted that there will be 20 billion Internet of Things devices by 2020. With an almost endless number of applications, this piece of technology, although in its initial phase, has already seen massive adoptions in smart cities, smart homes, modern cars without drivers, gadgets, and more.. Every device, be it a little sensor, with the internet, creates a large and intricate network, whilst simultaneously transferring data in real-time. Such extreme IoT-ization will need the talent of IoT developers with an appropriate set of skills to power these devices with operative software. So if you’re out  looking for an IoT engineer but are not sure about what technical skills and responsibilities one has, carry on reading the article…..Read more- WHAT EXACTLY DOES DEVELOPERS OF THE INTERNET OF THINGS DO?


IoT devices have become a new trend in Internet active products and they are now being increasingly used everywhere from cars and fridges to assembly lines for automation and monitoring. IoT sensors and devices are expected to exceed 50 billion by 2022, up from an estimated 21 billion in 2018 and the figure is good enough an indication about the staggering rate at which the IoT market is currently growing. While consumer IoT devices are offering lifestyle benefits, game development company and businesses are using IoT devices to save cost, monitor important processes, get new insights, increase efficiency and to make informed decisions. For example, Harley-Davidson recorded 7% reduction in costs and 19% increase in net margin after it turned its Pennsylvania plant to a ‘smart factory’ using IoT devices. There’s no denying the fact that IoT devices offer huge benefits, but like other Internet-enabled devices they also do not come without risks. IoT devices risks are real and IoT devices are more vulnerable than other computing devices especially because of increased number of endpoints which expands attack surfaces. Understanding the security vulnerabilities of IoT devices is paramount for you to sufficiently protect your network. Let’s discuss them!…..Read more- IOT DEVICES RISKS AS COMPARED TO OTHER COMPUTING DEVICES ON A NETWORK


Augmented reality is unquestionably a futuristic technology. It uses computer-generated input to not just enhance components but widen the horizons of the real world environment. And that’s where it influences the digital world in its own beautiful way by working with the real life objects and not with objects that don’t exist, unlike Virtual reality.

In 2020, consumer AR/VR spending is expected to reach around seven billion U.S. dollars (SourceStatista).

Having said that, over the years, the scope of AR has soared and the technology has been incorporated into different businesses to simplify daily tasks and business actions. It is no longer the time when the use of Augmented reality was just limited to the technical world but now it is integrated into various sectors & industries and this integration is benefiting businesses in many ways…..Read more- ESTIMATING THE AUGMENTED REALITY MOBILE APP DEVELOPMENT COST


Over the years, there have been technological and cultural transitions in the video game industry. Before just video games and now Electronic sports has come into being that presents organized multiplayer video game competitions to professional and amateur players. The game genres in esports include first person shooter (FPS), multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA), battle royale, fighting, card, real-time strategy (RTS) games, along with others. Unlike old times, they are now broadcasted live at local arcades or online for the large audience. This transition has popularised video games and made gamers internet superstars. Content has changed and become more realistic and violent with the support of electronic systems. 

In April 2019, India conducted its first ever international E-sports event — CobX masters which was hosted in Mumbai. So far, the industry was already doing great and with the lockdown and stay at home orders coming in, the growth outstripped and esports became an overriding form of entertainment for people. The hype created by the top esports event, EGLX was huge with the entire event going virtual in 2020…..Read more- THE NEXT BIG THING IN ESPORTS


When people usually ask me what I do as a game app developer, my answer is something like this, “I create a game which provides an enjoyable experience, an interactive journey which a player can live through.”

Many people who design and create games for a living can tell you that the production of the game is never as pretty as expected.

Impending timelines, delays in production, stress from video games publishers, and countless hours are just some of the several challenges that occur during the development process. 

Do you know how definite the game development process is? It is not a game of one man but takes an entire team as well as their skills to build a game.

This article walks through the game development process and what it takes to develop a game from scratch. Each game project has 3 distinct stages, called pre-production, production, and post-production. These three main phases in any game development are further divided and retitled for a specific task….Read more- GAME DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT PROCESS: PRE TO POSTPRODUCTION


As the clock struck midnight on January 1, people globally let out a massive sigh of respite. The year 2020 has not been the best of the years, and there is a belief that 2021 will bring great relief in the form of COVID-19 vaccine that will help stop the virus and thereby pave the groundwork for a global economic recovery.

The internet world is blooming. It is not only about laptops, computers, tablets, and smartphones anymore. Numerous devices are now internet-connected. Door locks, washing machines, robotic vacuum cleaners, toys, and toasters are part of the list of “smart” devices. 

There is no denying the fact that IoT is a powerful tool for business sectors to optimise their operations, increase profits, and minimize the overheads as it has now been incorporated with AI and data analytics software. You can now find the smartest technologies around you, be it on smartphones, security systems, smart appliances, or cars.

Before we go further, let me give you a brief about this growing technology that has taken over the world and the impact of IoT2020. 


IoT refers to a wide array of internet-connected devices that can interact with other devices and networks. They can perform many activities but are most commonly used to collect data and perform specific actions. Basically, a network of connected gadgets that allows sharing of data within the network. All the gadgets are constrained by sensors that are built in it. IoT provides a typical platform for dumping their data and a common language to communicate with each other……Read more- 2020: THE YEAR IN REVIEW AND WHAT’S AHEAD FOR THE INTERNET OF THINGS


Designing a game sounds like a perfect dream job; getting paid to live in your own imagination and thinking about different worlds that other people will experience with excitement. Of course, implementing those ideas into a final product is not as easy as one-two-three. There is a tremendous amount of hard work behind it.

In the following article, I am going to talk about how it takes to develop a game from scratch and the challenges faced by the designers through the development process.

A video game designer starts its development process with a game idea. A plan is prepared by a team of game designers, who address crucial information like target audience, storyline, time frame and budgets. 

When the designers devise the theme and how the game will be played, this process involves planning and determining the game’s elements – its setting, storyline, rules, characters, vehicles, terrains, building, environment, interface design and different modes of play. Then comes the step when the designer works with the development team to produce the art assets and computer code to enable the game to be played.

In designing a game, there are several kinds of game concept designers each having a different role in developing a game. These different roles are necessary to fill every detail of the game and make the finished product as smooth as possible. By dividing up the task, the games can be completed faster that too, with high degrees of performance. While every game development company is different, following are the most common examples of specialised positions that a game designer can embrace……Read more- HOW DESIGNERS START GAME DEVELOPMENT?


Artificial Intelligence (AI), which was seen as a unique concept hardly five years ago, has become a vital operational component and a unique selling proposition for most industries in current times. An industry that has primarily benefited from the advances of modern AI is game development. Since 2015, we have seen a growing trend in game development company using several digital technologies to engage with their users.  Podcasts for instance, where gamers come together to talk about reviews, trends, developments the future of robotics and artificial intelligence have gained significant traction.

Another technology that has expanded exponentially across the tech industry and esports gaming businesses is live streaming. Companies are also conducting online events to allow cross-country participation. Besides modern digital broadcasting formats, gaming businesses around the globe are implementing AI and machine learning in game development to enhance the gaming experience through its realism and interactivity. As companies are interacting with game developers, we see that a lot of them are focusing on aspects such as the intelligence of the game and its capacity to respond to live inputs, rather than solely following gaming story plots, which is a big factor in driving interest and perception…Read more- FUTURE SCOPE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ON GLOBAL GAMING BUSINESS


Users interact with and experience products and services and a game development company must understand the interaction and influence that users lay over the success or failure of a product in the market. All too often, business owners and product developers ignore the importance of understanding UX psychology and customer’s “unpredictable” needs. In spite of everything, for products, services and the businesses to maintain, improve and survive, it is crucial for them to be able to understand people’s emotions, behaviors and motivations and use that to create a better UX. Using psychology helps developers create seamless end user experience and the rules mentioned below will get you to create some booming UX design. UX being a vast subject in itself, it will take more than just one article to cover everything, but for this article, let’s take a look at 7 psychology laws and principles and see how they are used and affect UX. Let’s begin:…….Read more- UX: THE IMPORTANCE OF UNDERSTANDING THE PSYCHOLOGY OF THE USER


This is the question that often comes up when I tell people what I do for a living. And if I try to explain what my job is really about, I often see them scratching their head, and I end up cutting it short.

However, the reality of what I do is much more complicated and requires a better and more in-depth explanation. That is why I wrote this article about UX (user experience) design.

To fully understand a UX design process, it is imperative to begin with a definition of the user experience. 

Today, user experience is everything. Anything one does must be optimized to develop an excellent digital understanding. User experience refers to the emotions and behaviour that are evoked in the consumer while using the service or product. 

Coming back to UX design, “UX” or “user experience”, is how a user feels when they use a certain product or service. A method of designing physical and digital products while keeping the target audience in mind. It involves a spectrum of feelings like senses, emotions, and physical interaction. This term was introduced by Donald Norman, who said:

I invented the term because I thought human interface and usability were too narrow. I wanted to cover all the aspects of the person’s experience with the system including industrial design, graphics, the interface, the physical interaction, and the manual.”……Read more- UX DESIGN – FROM CONCEPT TO COMPLETE GAME