You might be aware that user engagement is not just another marketing gimmick. It is a survival approach in the wild digital marketing world, as well as a way for your company to stay afloat.

Almost every day, a new app is launched. With some, we see the hype, but after some time, they vanish. This pop and fizzle are because most game development company forget the importance of user engagement during the game development process. 

With billions of desktop and mobile apps as well as a higher expectation for a user-friendly interface, user retention and app engagement are vital in converting a first-time, curious user into a long-term active user.  

Speaking of retention and engagement, there is no clear distinction between the two in marketing apps. They instead complement and also sometimes interchange with each other. You might have your vision, but retention is often all about working with a current user base, which in turn involves a particular strategy and techniques to get them back.   

To some extent, user retention is difficult to achieve. The mobile gaming app market is brimming with applications, and with each day, they are skyrocketing. Like it or not, but for your own good, you must fight for your user retention.

Before we dive deeper into the strategies to boost user engagement and the tools used in user journey mapping, it is vital to understand what it is and why it is important for any web or mobile apps.

You may also read about: Fundamentals of game design & development


A user engagement simply means the number of users who are consistently engaged with your product over a given period. It measures whether the users find your product valuable or not. It is a significant factor of business success or failure…Read more- IMPORTANT METRICS DEVELOPERS MISS WHEN MAKING GAMES – USER ENGAGEMENT AND RETENTION

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